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Onyx Publishes Must-Read eBook on Advancing Interoperability and Improving Prior Authorization

An exclusive guide to 50+ new and updated requirements in the latest CMS Proposed Rule is necessary reading to understand and realize the future of digital health

March 1, 2023: Onyx, LLC,is pleased to announce the publication of eBook on Advancing Interoperability and Improving Prior Authorization, a must-read for healthcare payers and providers to both understand and take advantage of the new regulatory environment required by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).

In December 2022, CMS published a Proposed Rule on Advancing Interoperability and Improving Prior Authorization with several new provisions designed to increase efficiencies in health care. The Proposed Rule builds on the technology foundation established in the Interoperability and Patient Access Final Rule of May 2020 (85 FR 25510).

The eBook breaks down the Advancing Interoperability and Improving Prior Authorization rule into practical implementable requirements that demystify the Rule. Our goal is to help health plan executives plan their implementation to meet the CMS deadlines.

Susheel Ladwa, CEO, Onyx

The Rules for Prior Authorization are changing. Are you Ready. With Onyx You Will Be.

The Proposed Rule includes new requirements for payers to improve the electronic exchange of health care data and streamline prior auth processes. It also proposes a new measure to encourage providers to adopt these electronic prior authorization processes and to measure the effectiveness of payer implementation.

Building on previously mandated FHIR-based data standards (Patient Access API), the Proposed Rule requires payers to implement all requirements by January 2026, when providers begin reporting prior authorization and Patient Access API metrics.To both meet the mandates and to create value in the age of interoperability, healthcare stakeholders need to read this eBook now.

Please go to the Onyx homepage now to download the Exclusive Guide https://www.onyxhealth.io
