What you need to know about Interoperability from current and future CMS Mandates and how FHIR is an integral part of Interoperability.
On Thursday, July 6th the Wisconsin Health Information Organization hosted a webinar to discuss Interoperability, the CMS Mandates and what is next for Payers, Providers and Patients.
The webinar featured Tony Trenkle, former CIO of CMS, Susan Clark, IT Consultant with Briljent and Mark Scrimshire, Chief Interoperability Officer at Onyx. The session was moderated by our own Naveen Chaudhary, Client Success Officer at Onyx.

The Webinar addressed the Quadruple Aim (Better Care, Better Health, Lower Cost and Improving the experience in providing care) and how Interoperability is evolving to support these aims. The existing CMS Interoperability Rule was discussed alongside the Proposed Prior Authorization Rule that is now in comment review at CMS. These rules, in conjunction with regulatory action by the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC), are creating new frontiers in Interoperability. This is further compounded by the recent announcement by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) that HEDIS measures will be moving to FHIR. The panel discussed the implications of these changes and the impact it will have on Payers, Providers and Patients and what you can do now to be prepared.
The video from the webinar is available here: