Payer-to-Payer Data Exchange (PDex): KEY Insights – I

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My data. My choice. Payer obligations and consent when implementing the CMS patient access API.

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What do the CMS/ONC Interoperability Mandates really mean for Health Plans?

Onyx Blog Mark is the CMS Blue Button Innovator and a thought leader in the Interoperability space. DistilNFO had an opportunity to sit down with Mark to get his view on what the CMS/ONC Mandates on Interoperability really mean. Health plans have 12 months to comply to the Patient Access API and Provider Directory and […]
Onyx demonstrates SAFHIR at HL7 FHIR Dev Days

Onyx Blog On Wednesday June 18 Onyx joined a panel of experts assembled by the CARIN Alliance to discuss the work that is being done with the CARIN Consumer-Directed Exchange Implementation Guide (Otherwise known as Blue Button 2.0) to meet the CMS Interoperability and Patient Access mandate that requires health plans to make claims information […]
Advice to the CDC as they embrace FHIR

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What is Consent in the Patient Access API

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